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The series "The Disappearing World"

Фото автора: Efim BersonEfim Berson

Authors of the idea: Efim Berson, Alexander Ezhber

Scriptwriter: Alexander Ezhber

Main genre: sci-fi

Audience: 16+

Time of action: our days or the near future



When the world starts playing hide and seek with us ...


The world, tired of human sins, is leaving. Things, feelings, phenomena and even people disappear. Whether it is possible to stop him, it is necessary to find out the heroes of the series, mired in a spiritual emptiness.


It seems to us that our world is stable, but it is not. It changes physically and mentally! Humanity floods the planet, destroys flora and fauna, drowns its senses in the digital tinsel of our time. Confident of our impunity, we are killing the world. What if he starts taking revenge? Will it take up arms against human emptiness and lack of spirituality and turn away from us as punishment? Suddenly, things, objects, means of communication, phenomena, feelings and even people, dear to us, will physically disappear. Will we notice this? Will we be able to reject the superficial from ourselves and keep the present, natural, true - what makes us human?

For a self-centered engineer, everything disappears, including the stars in the sky. The consummate voyeur faces the physical disappearance of the internet. The killer, greedy for easy money, loses clients. A fanatic embittered all over the world becomes immortal. All these are not coincidences, these are natural phenomena of the DISAPPEARING WORLD. The list is endless ...

Main reference

Black Mirror (2011 - 2019) UK. In recent years, technology has vastly changed our lives before we had time to come to our senses and doubt them. In each

at home, on every table, on every palm - plasma TV, computer monitor,

a smartphone display is a black mirror of our existence in the 21st century. It changes our connection with reality, but our vices remain the same.

The magical realism of the works of Ray Bradbury is taken as a literary and stylistic basis for the scripts of the episodes of The Disappearing World.


List of episodes of the first season of the series "The Disappearing World"


An ingenious engineer, developer of space engines, a cynic and a womanizer, suddenly stops seeing various things, objects and even people. The world is rapidly disappearing around him. By chance, he learns about the desire of a dying child to get to know the stars better. Having overcome all the obstacles posed by a mysterious disease, the businessman fulfills the child's dream. Together with the stars returning to the firmament, he finds his own soul.


Having photographed a naked stranger in one of the windows of a house in a residential area, an ordinary system administrator is involved in the game of various special services. To prove his innocence, the guy needs to get to his cloud archive before the Internet collapses around the world.


A humble delivery service worker has a "hobby" - cutting the wheels of expensive cars. He is quite satisfied that no one pays attention to him, until he falls in love with his colleague and ... begins to disappear from this world physically.


A successful and self-satisfied beauty insurance specialist faces the impossible - one of the clients he insured has lost her breasts!


To solve his financial problems, the student-loser activates an account on the killers' site on the darknet. He does not have to kill - all his "clients" disappear by themselves from the real world, but then appear to him in the world of dreams.


The activist of a small provincial town, a downtrodden and despised old man, suddenly gains immortality and becomes a dictator, idol and leader for all other townspeople.


Additional materials on the project on Russian


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